The Association collaborated with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) for the 15 th edition of the competition, to create a campaign against cyberbullying. The phenomenon is alarming as it is now spreading even among pre-adolescents who are in possession of all-powerful tools, without having the ability to manage them correctly.
They may be unaware of the real damage being caused, because there is no perceptive maturity that an innocent post can lead to something exploitable and of uncontrollable dimensions. In many young victims, these attacks, without limits of time and space, cause distress that can evolve into desperate gestures.
The objective of the competition was to create an awareness campaign aimed at all people directly involved in the phenomenon, to trigger a profound change in people’s attitudes and awareness regarding the seriousness of cyberbullying and how each of us can contribute to stopping it, as well as breaking down the indifference linked to the perception of not being able or not having the ‘weapons’ to fight it.
The creative idea of the winning campaign entitled “It’s never just one word. What originates on the web can hurt in reality”, created by Francesco dello Iacono – Art Director and Simona Mauro – Copywriter, students of ILAS – Italian Academy of Communication, Naples, under the guidance of their tutors, Piero Fittopaldi and Gianluca Tramontano, is based on the fact that every year 1 in 6 teenagers is a victim of cyberbullying and suffers offenses that leave a mark on them for life.
Their campaign invites us to use our words carefully because cyberbullying concerns all of us and together we can fight it on

Francesca dello Iacono, Art Director
Simona Mauro, Copywriter